You can learn a lot of valuable information about your target demographic and their search behavior by launching a basic ad campaign on Facebook or by promoting a post on Instagram. These business tools allow you to effectively see to which keywords used in your post, which images, and which products are best engaging your target audience.
Use “keywords” or text that includes words very specific to what you think your audience is searching for to grab your reader’s attention. When you step back and consider online shopping behavior, search is usually an integral component of that process. Most consumers who are looking to find multiple products to compare when searching on Google, Facebook, or as something catches their attention inside an image. Adwords is the premier opportunity to connect those consumers with your products, based on the language they use to find what they’re looking to purchase but social media can connect people with personal stories of those using the products via comments on your posts – so use intentional keywords when writing a post.
The advantage to search based advertising is that users who search for products have intent – either to buy, or to discover and research new products they will likely buy or want to sell in the future. Social media advertising is also quickly becoming one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience, and whatever your marketing budget may be, there’s a platform which can accommodate your brand.
You can choose to use pay-as-you go plans or you can select marketing campaigns that remain within strict budget guidelines. Running Facebook advertising campaigns is a great way to generate interest in your products and to engage people to learn why they should resell the products too! In these ads you can link to blogs or promotions you are running on your site within the ad itself, which can boost sales, traffic, and enrollments.
Utilize demographic-targeting features on Facebook and Pinterest to hone in on your target audience and to encourage interaction with your products. Facebook ads and promoted pins or Instagram images are an excellent way to engage and inform your target demographic that you and your products exist and are worthy of consideration.
For more strategies on launching your new business, check out our other blogs.